Monday, November 26, 2012

Music behind the words...

One of the questions I get asked frequently is what, if any, music do I listen to while writing.  Well, I do in fact keep music playing as I write.  Usually, the songs are instrumental, ambient selections.  I will, however, occasionally pick a specific song while writing a certain scene.

With The Pandemic Sequence, the two albums which were on constant rotation were Antony & the Johnsons' self-titled release, and Black Tape for a Blue Girl's Remnants of a Deeper Purity.  Both fit nicely into the more somber scenes of the trilogy.

With Torrance, the go-to play list was the Prometheus soundtrack.  The songs blended into the background as I wrote, never really distracting from the process.  If you haven't yet seen the movie, I highly suggest you check it out - but more on that in another post.

First thoughts...

So now I have a blog.