Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Okay...so it's been far too long since my last post.  I admit it.  Guilty as charged.  Fortunately, it's because I've been writing at a fevered pace since the new year arrived.  The first draft of The Ignota is currently ahead of schedule with nearly 40% of the book complete.

Perhaps selfishly, perhaps out of self-preservation, I have a very difficult time motivating myself to blog after a day of writing.  And I the one day a week I take off from writing, the last thing I want to do is even look at a computer.  I don't know how some of these other authors do it.  Maybe they have an assistant?  Hmm...something to look into!

Last time, I teased "big news."  Well, for those who haven't heard or seen already, The Pandemic Sequence has been picked up by Permuted Press!  Permuted is one of the biggest names in horror publishing and I am honored to join the amazing list of authors.  We are currently going through the editting and revision process of the three Pandemic books.  Each book already has new cover art and I cannot decide which new cover is my favorite.  Kudos to the designer!

There are other things Pandemic I'm working on and I hope to have news on those fronts in the next few months.  Sorry, I guess that's another teaser.

Torrance was released successfully in December.  Though I have not been as diligent in its promotion, I do hope to refocus some effort there.  If I can break away from working on The Ignota, that is.

The first contest of the year is up and running - details on the main page.

On a personal note, I finished reading the final book in The Wheel of Time series.  While A Memory of Light was not my favorite volume, it was nice, albeit sad, to finally conclude my 23 years of following the tale.  I know the series will endure in history as one of the greatest epics ever written!

Next on my endless list of "To Reads" is Team of Rivals, the Doris Kearns Goodwin biography of Abraham Lincoln which inspired the recent film.  Though, I may need a quick, light read before diving into it.  Waiting on my Kindle is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, a YA paranormal novel with a movie due out shortly, and The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett, a well-reviewed fantasy trilogy first book.  We'll see which jumps out at me first.

The next item I'm looking forward to is the release of Game of Thrones: Season Two!  I'll likely end up doing a marathon refresher before season three begins on HBO in March.

All in all, 2013 is off to an exciting, if busy, start!

Until next time...