Friday, July 19, 2013

Some answers and some teases

Well, once again it has been a long time since I've posted on the blog. Clearly I selected the proper name for it...well maybe not the "often" part. As the headline of this post states, I'll have some answers to frequent questions, as well as a few hints to things in the working.

First things first: Where is The Ignota???
The writing of The Ignota is finished and the book is currently being edited. It took longer than anticipated for two reasons. 1) It is longer than Torrance, and 2) the story-line is intricate.  In order to deliver the best version possible, and avoid snares in later books, I needed to go over The Ignota with a fine tooth comb to ensure small details didn't prevent larger events to come.

When will The Ignota be released?
I truly wish I had an answer to that one, but unfortunately I don't. I'll explain further down.

What happened to Torrance?
As some of you will likely notice, Torrance is no longer available. It may not seem like it, but that's a good thing. There are somethings in the works for the What Followed After series which I cannot go into just yet. But, trust's good, really good. As soon as I am able to announce what it is, I will post it here immediately!

How about Book Three?
After finishing The Ignota, I took a month off from writing.  Five books in two years was a hefty task, and I needed a bit of time to recharge.  That said, I began working on the third book two weeks ago.  The working title right now is Tears of the Sowilo.

Any news on The Pandemic Sequence?
As you know, Permuted Press bought the rights to The Pandemic Sequence in January.  Audible bought the audio production rights shortly thereafter. To date, The Tilian Virus has been released as an audiobook available through Amazon and Audible. The Tilian Effect audiobook is scheduled for release on July 23, 2013, and The Tilian Cure audiobook is set for October 1, 2013.  The ebook and print editions have not yet been released. Once again, there are very good things happening behind the scenes regarding the series. I hope to be able to announce the big news in the coming weeks.

I think that about covers all the pertinent, and frequently asked, questions. I apologize for not being able to provide clearer details, but much of what is occurring is out of my hands. However, having started out as a self-published author these are "problems" I am very lucky to have! There are BIG things in store for The Pandemic Sequence and What Followed After!

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