Friday, September 27, 2013

Updates, updates, updates!

I won't bother checking the date of my last blog post. Okay, I did and it was mid-July. But, at least you can't accuse me of filling up your inbox with update messages!

When last I wrote I did some explaining, but mostly I left you with more questions than answers.

I can finally correct that.

Over the long hot months of the summer I was in discussions with my publisher, Permuted Press, regarding The Pandemic Sequence books, as well as future projects. I'm excited to announce that The Pandemic Sequence books are scheduled for official release, starting with The Tilian Virus in November, The Tilian Effect in December, and The Tilian Cure in January!

Permuted has a great new team in place, and they have big plans for the future; a future which includes expanding into more generalized science-fiction and publishing the Scars of Tomorrow series! The contract was signed a few weeks back, and Permuted has purchased the first three volumes of Scars of Tomorrow.

Books One and Two (under the working titles Torrance and The Ignota, respectively) have been delivered, and I am hard at work on the third volume (tentatively titled Tears of the Sowilo). As of now, I don't have any info regarding publication dates. Permuted is currently developing its production and publishing calendar for next year. When I know the dates (and when I'm authorized to tell you), I will post them here. The same goes for the cover art. Permuted did an amazing job with Pandemic, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what they create for the Scars books.

Given my January delivery date for Tears, I doubt I'll be posting here again until the holiday season. Except, of course, if I have further updates. Until then, spread the word!

Oh, and check out Permuted Press! They've redone the site, added several new authors, announced new releases, and added a merchandise store with shirts, mugs, etc.